Library Membership Registration

People with any kind of print disability or Educational Institutions supporting people with any kind of print disability can register for Mitra Jyothi Library membership to get the books in various accessible formats like Audio/Braille/eText. It is a one time registration and the charge is 100 Rs. for Individuals and 250 Rs. for Institutions.

Mitra Jyothi’s Library has close to 3000 books spread across three languages, Kannada, English and Hindi. Become a member to have access to a varied collection of text & reference books, magazines, fiction & non-fiction books and enjoy reading! The books are available in various accessible formats like ePub, eText, Audio (DAISY) and Braille.

Register to be a Mitra Jyothi Library Member! Happy reading!


  1. Anyone with any form of print disability including blindness, low vision, dyslexia etc.
  2. Institutions that support people with print disabilities.

Mitra Jyothi provides accessible reading material to people with print disabilities. A print-disabled person is “a person who cannot effectively read print because of a visual, physical, perceptual, developmental, cognitive, or learning disability”. Various formats such as eText, ePub, DAISY (Audio), Braille Prints, Large Font Prints and other options are available to support their needs. We accommodate individual membership as well as institutional membership at our library.

Become a member of our Library to access thousands of books in various accessible formats. Scroll down to register. To know more about our Library click here and to access our catalogs click here.

Membership Fee: To become a life-time member of our library there is a small nominal charge of Rs. 100 for individuals and Rs.250 for institutions.

A print-disabled Woman standin infront of the table and reading.

Library Membership - Individuals

a group of A print-disabled children sitting at a table with papers.

Library Membership - Institutions

Membership to Sugamya Pustakalaya

Sugamya Pustakalaya Membership (Exclusive for existing Mitra Jyothi library members)

Mitra Jyothi Library members can go ahead and register in Sugamya Pustakalaya to get the accessible books through online directly. Also once registered, the member can access books from other partner libraries as well.

Mitra Jyothi is a key contributor to Sugamya Pustakalaya, India’s largest online library for the blind and print disabled. Mitra Jyothi Library members can register on Sugamya Pustakalaya and access thousands of books online. They can access not only books contributed by Mitra Jyothi but to all books contributed by other partner libraries too! Please register on Sugamya Pustakalaya to quench your thirst for reading! Books are available in multiple Indian languages and in English.

Sugamya Pustakalaya is an online library for persons with visual disabilities launched by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment in partnership with the DAISY Forum of India. Many organizations like Mitra Jyothi contribute books to Sugamya Pustakalaya. Mitra Jyothi Library members can register on Sugamya Pustakalaya to obtain accessible books online. Once registered, a member can access books from other partner libraries as well.

Sugamya Pustakalaya Membership